
本期10+3 SHOWROOM 海外青年設(shè)計師品牌推介包含2個服裝品牌及3個配飾品牌。服裝品牌為來自土耳其的Viola&Vesper和F.ILKK;配飾品牌有來自奧地利科技感與先鋒感并存的PUBLISHED BY,來自英國的Eni Jewellery,與來自澳大利亞I AM ROCK。

This Brand promotion includes two fashion brands and three accessories brands, respectively Viola&Vesper and F.ILKK from Turkey. Accessories brands include High-tech and avantgarde PUBLISHED BY from Austria, Eni Jewellery from the UK and I AM ROCK from Australia.


Fashion brands



Designer Portfolio

Ece Oney(左)和Ozge Yenihayat(右)


Brand Profile

“Viola&Vesper”是由Ece Oney和Ozge Yenihayat于2017年創(chuàng)立的晚裝品牌,靈感來自于室內(nèi)亮眼的女性,她們喜歡亮片、絲絨和緞子、金銀絲面料、萊茵石、水晶和任何帶有閃光的材料。V&V的靈魂是基于“咆哮的1920年代”非傳統(tǒng)女性群體,希望通過該系列恢復(fù)這種敬畏,激勵女性再次自信、優(yōu)雅、華麗,并在某種程度上叛逆。

Viola & Vesper專為獨特的、自信的和充滿活力的女性設(shè)計,以增強她們已經(jīng)擁有的光芒…

"Viola&Vesper" is an evening wear brand founded by Ece Oney and Ozge Yenihayat in 2017.Inspired by the idea of dressing up women who light up the room, they prefers materials like sequins, silk velvets and satins, lurex, rhinestones, crystals and anything that comes with a sparkle. The soul of V&V is routed in the revolutionary and unconventional women of the roaring era of the nineteen-twenties. Hoping to reinstate that awe through their collections they wish to inspire women to once again be confident, elegant, gorgeous and in a way rebellious.

Viola & Vesper is designed for unique, confident and spirited women, to enhance the glow that they already have…


New Collection

在這個系列中,Viola & Vesper融合了兩個對立的元素,炫耀的古典與現(xiàn)代的剪影。顏色仿佛來自于畫中的顏料,并添加了一些流行的寶石色調(diào)。紅色和金色的鞋面上的動物圖案更令人驚嘆。金色是該系列的主色調(diào),絲綢面料是金色的,動物印花提花是用金絲織成的。手工珠飾裝飾提升了天鵝絨和綢緞的皇室感。這些吸引眼球的印花與永恒和現(xiàn)代的輪廓相平衡。閃亮是Viola & Vesper連衣裙的關(guān)鍵元素,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)各種各樣的亮片連衣裙,從迷你派對連衣裙到長晚禮服,乃至鑲有萊茵石的禮服和寬大的連衣裙。

For this collection Viola & Vesper is uniting two opposites, the ostentatious antiquity with modern silhouettes. The color palette comes from the pictured royalties in the paintings, adding some pop jewel tones. The vamp animal prints are even more astounding in reds and golds. Gold shades are the main color of the collection. The silk fabrics are shades of gold and the animal print jacquards are woven with golden threads . The hand-beaded embellishments boosts up the royalness of the velvets and satins. Balancing out these eye-catching prints with timeless and modern silhouettes. Shine is the key element to Viola & Vesper dresses so you will find various sequin dresses, from mini party dresses to long evening-wear, rhinestone covered gowns and voluminous pieces.







Designer Portfolio

Fulya Ilkmen Atay

Fulya Ilkmen Atay畢業(yè)于馬蘭戈尼時裝設(shè)計學(xué)院。她于2017年創(chuàng)立了F.ILKK品牌,并一直在設(shè)計F該品牌的女裝成衣系列。

Fulya Ilkmen Atay graduated from Istituto Marangoni. She established F.ILKK brand in 2018 and has been designing women’s ready to wear collections under F.ILKK brand.


Brand Profile


F.ILKK is a contemporary women's ready-to-wear brand, offering a harmony between everyday clothes and couture details by creating unique forms and silhouettes blended with rich colors. All of the styles are designed and manufactured in Istanbul. The sourcing process prioritizes quality and craftsmanship.


New Collection









Designer Portfolio

Ruby Wallen(左)和Christoph Tsetinis(右)

PUBLISHED BY創(chuàng)始人兼創(chuàng)意總監(jiān)Christoph Tsetinis(圖右)是奧地利人,他與合伙人兼經(jīng)理人Ruby Wallen(圖左)在維也納生活和工作。

The Founder and Creative Director of PUBLISHED BY Christoph Tsetinis is Austrian, lives and works in Vienna with his partner Ruby Wallen who is also the Managing Director of the company.


Brand Profile

PUBLISHED BY是一家奧地利工作室,自2019年以來,始終致力于將先進的3D建模和生產(chǎn)技術(shù)與精確的工藝結(jié)合在一起,以建筑和現(xiàn)代藝術(shù)為靈感創(chuàng)造雕塑配件。

Since 2019, PUBLISHED BY is an Austrian studio, merging state of the art 3D modeling and production technologies with precision craftsmanship to create sculpture accessories inspired by architecture and modern art.


New Collection

EUKOLIA是PUBLISHED BY第一次涉足皮革配飾,輕松囊括了具有性別包容品牌特色的Ruby' Lost Stone, Oyster和Phil' Third Eye Stone手袋。在Coatino手袋的制作過程中,通過在結(jié)構(gòu)模具上手工拉伸柔軟的羊皮革,不僅是向Tsetinis家族致敬,也是延伸了雕塑感配飾的舒適性與人體工學(xué)的一種實踐。每一件作品都是按照用戶造型或體型設(shè)計的,并巧妙地融入了PUBLISHED BY社群不同的生活方式。

EUKOLIA is PUBLISHED BY's first foray into leather accessories, effortlessly wrapping the gender-inclusive brands distinctive Ruby' Lost Stone, Oyster and Phil' Third Eye Stone Bags. The process of coatino the bags, paying homage to Tsetinis' lineage by hand stretching soft lamb leather over the structured moulds, was also a practice in extending the ease and ergonomios of the sculptural accessones. Every piece is designed on mould to the form or the body and fit neatly into the PUBLISHED BY communities' varied lifestyles.


Celebrity Outfits







Designer Portfolio

Eleni Koumara


With a background in Computer Engineering, Eleni started her Jewellery training in Greece back in 2008, and improved her skills at Central Saint Martin, London.In 2008 she took part at the 4th Biennial of Shanghai, and in October 2021 she had the chance to showcase Enyo collection at BIFT (Bejiing Institute of Fashion and Technology), during the International Art Jewellery Exhibition.


Brand Profile

Eni Jewellery于2016年在倫敦推出了全新的grunge搖滾風(fēng)格系列。該系列針對的是無視年齡或流行趨勢變化、追求個性的時尚現(xiàn)代女性。每個系列都由Eleni Koumara開發(fā)和設(shè)計,由此表達她獨特和原創(chuàng)的風(fēng)格。

Launched in London 2016, Eni Jewellery offers a new grunge. The collections are aimed at the fashionable, modern woman who wants to express her individuality regardless of age or seasonal trends. Each collection is developed and designed by Eleni Koumara, and therefore expresses her distinctive and original style.


New Collection

本季的概念是大海和水。下一個系列的名字是Thetis。與以往一樣,每個系列都與Eleni Koumara以體驗的方式聯(lián)系在一起,與所處的社會情境密不可分。

The concept of this season will be the sea and the water in general. The name of the next collection will be Thetis.As always, every collection is connected with Eleni Koumara, in a experiential way, we could say.That’s said, the social situation is inextricably linked in every collection.







Designer Portfolio

Peta Heys

Peta Heys是一位澳大利亞設(shè)計師,擁有專業(yè)室內(nèi)設(shè)計師背景。她創(chuàng)建了個人品牌I AM ROCK,以贊頌各種創(chuàng)造力、人類精神和永恒的聯(lián)系。設(shè)計師以神圣的比例、神圣的幾何、象征和文學(xué)作為靈感來源,目標(biāo)是創(chuàng)造出真正有意義和獨特的作品。

Peta Heys is an Australian designer with a background as a professional interior designer.She created her own brand I AM ROCK to be a celebration of all types of creativity, human spirit, and timeless connections. With divine proportion, sacred geometry, symbols and literature as a source of inspiration, Her aim is to create pieces that are truly meaningful and unique.


Brand Profile

“I AM ROCK”是澳大利亞設(shè)計師Peta Heys的一種直覺藝術(shù)表達。通過作品,她探索了我們作為人類在真理、生命和愛的道路上航行時所共享的永恒普遍聯(lián)系。參考神圣的幾何學(xué)、象征主義和天文學(xué),從創(chuàng)作的基本原理中汲取靈感,通過概念設(shè)計的方法,每件作品都講述了一個真正有意義和獨特性的故事?!癐 AM ROCK”通過創(chuàng)作來贊頌人類的表達:無論是音樂創(chuàng)作、建筑設(shè)計,還是以愛和善意交換微笑的能力。

I AM ROCK is an intuitive manifestation from Australian designer Peta Heys. Through her statement pieces she explores the timeless universal connections we share as human beings navigating the course of truth, life and love. Referencing sacred geometry, symbolism, and astronomy, I AM ROCK draws inspiration from the fundamentals of creation. Through a conceptual design approach each piece tells a story that is truly meaningful and unique.I AM ROCK celebrates human expression through creativity; whether it be through the composition of music, architecture of a building, or our ability to generate a smile through an exchange of loving kindness.


New Collection




Official Partners

NJAL 新銳設(shè)計師集合平臺

NJAL leading emerging designers platform

NJAL(Not Just A Label)代表著來自150多個國家的48,000多名設(shè)計師,是一個致力于促進時尚產(chǎn)業(yè)良性增長和擴張的平臺。NJAL成立于2008年,旨在為時尚界注入新的活力,為設(shè)計師們提供一個讓他們能夠與全球觀眾建立聯(lián)系,并免費展示自己的設(shè)計的數(shù)字平臺。從2020年底開始,NJAL平臺上的品牌可以直接從他們的工作室以直接出貨的方式進行銷售,從而在奢侈品空間提供獨特的購物體驗。

NJAL represents over 48,000 designers from more than 150 countries and is an infinitely expanding destination devoted to facilitating growth in the fashion industry.Established in 2008, to infuse new life into the fashion system, NJAL provides designers a digital platform where they can connect with a global audience and showcase their designers at no cost. As of late 2020,NJAL brands now can retail their designs directly from their studios on a drop-ship basis, thus providing a unique shopping experience in the luxury space.




AMF SHOWROOM是一家總部位于巴黎的時尚銷售和市場營銷機構(gòu),旨在發(fā)現(xiàn)、支持和發(fā)展奢侈品時裝和配飾設(shè)計師。創(chuàng)始董事Anthony Flamos擁有超過30年的奢侈品時尚行業(yè)經(jīng)驗,并與世界領(lǐng)先的零售商建立了密切、長期的關(guān)系。這些個人關(guān)系使AMF SHOWROOM能夠提供廣泛的全球市場認(rèn)知和機遇。

AMF SHOWROOM is a Paris based Fashion Sales and Marketing Agency formed to discover, support and develop luxury fashion and accessory designers.The founding director, Anthony Flamos has had over 30 years experience in the luxury fashion industry and has developed close, long-standing relationships with the world’s leading retailers. These personal relationships permit AMF SHOWROOM to offer extensive knowledge of the global marketplace and opportunities.



ESMOD Beijing

ESMOD國際成立于1841年,總部位于巴黎,創(chuàng)始人為法國的御用裁縫ALEXIS LAVIGNE先生,是世界上第一所服裝設(shè)計學(xué)院,迄今已經(jīng)有180年的歷史,被稱為“時尚界的哈佛”。ESMOD國際目前在全球的13個國家設(shè)立了20所分校。ESMOD北京成立于2004年中法文化建交40周年之際,建校18年來,為中國本土培養(yǎng)了大量的服裝設(shè)計人才。ESMOD全球課程體系同質(zhì)同步,為中國的服裝設(shè)計方向的莘莘學(xué)子提供全球的服裝設(shè)計人才學(xué)習(xí)、選拔和實習(xí)就業(yè)平臺。

ESMOD international was founded in 1841 and headquartered in Paris. Its founder is Mr. Alexis Lavigne, the Royal tailor of France. It is the first Institute of fashion design in the world. It has a history of 180 years and is known as "Harvard in fashion". ESMOD international has 20 schools in 13 countries around the world.ESMOD Bejing was founded in 2004 on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. Over the past 18 years, the school has cultivated a large number of fashion design talents for China. ESMOD maintains the same quality and schedule with global program system and provides a global platform for learning, selection, internship and employment for Chinese students in fashion design.



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